Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Accidental Proposal by Matt Dunn

4 Star

Ed Middleton is ecstatic: he's just got engaged to his girlfriend, Sam, and he couldn't be happier. At least, he thinks he's engaged. The thing is, it was Sam who did the proposing, and the more he thinks about it, the less he's sure that she was actually asking him to marry her. She could have just been asking the question, you know...hypothetically.
As the wedding day draws nearer, Ed becomes more and more uneasy. Sam keeps disappearing off for furtive meetings and private phone calls, and when he spies her going into a pub with a man he's never seen before, all his old jealousies and insecurities threaten to re-surface. It's the perfect time for Ed's unhinged ex-girlfriend, Jane, to show up on his doorstep.
Meanwhile, Dan - Ed's best-friend and soon-to-be-best-man - is determined to throw him a stag night to remember. And when a severely hung-over Ed wakes up the morning after the night before to see a second dent in the pillow, it seems as if Dan has got his wish.
Will Ed manage to find out the truth about his stag night as well as the identity of Sam's secret man? Or will an accidental proposal lead them both down the aisle to a wedding neither of them ever imagined?

Kathryn - 4 Star

I really enjoy reading lad lit and Matt Dunn has never disappointed me.  There’s something very enticing about getting a sneak peak at these foreign thought processes!

The Accidental Proposal is funny- it has to be funny given that the premise is that our main character Ed thinks that he may have become engaged  to his girlfriend…may have done because he isn’t sure if she actually asked him to marry her and as he didn’t answer her he is now unsure of their official status.  The whole story follows Ed as he tries to determine (without actually asking her directly) if they are indeed engaged and then them trying to plan a wedding without discussing any of the details together.  It’s full of misunderstandings, gross errors in judgement and silly situations. I laughed out loud many times and Ed has the usual skeptical sidekick to create diversion from the serious sappiness of love & marriage!

My only complaint was that I found Ed’s angst a bit repetitive and felt that he had the same conversation with friend Dan a few times.  This was actually distracting but I’m not sure if I would have noticed it if I hadn’t read the novel so quickly? 

Matt Dunn doesn’t disappoint in The Accidental Proposal!

Connect with Matt Dunn:

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