Thursday, July 26, 2018

Little Big Love by Katy Regan

5 Star

About a Boy meets Parenthood in this smart, big-hearted love story about a family for whom everything changed one night, a decade ago, and the young boy who unites them all.

Told through the eyes of Zac, Juliet, and grandfather Mick, Little Big Love is a layered, heartfelt, utterly satisfying story about family, love, and the secrets that can define who we are

Sabrina-Kate - 5 Star

This book was one that I truly loved. A great story full of emotions, it struck me as a story that many of us could probably relate to. A family going through a lot of things, but mostly because Zac was getting older and he wanted answers about his Dad. This is largely the main reason why so many things came to happen throughout the novel as his mother, Juliet, and his grandfather, Mick, had no choice but to come to terms with the past and reveal the truth to each other and even come to term with it themselves.

I always enjoy books that change the narrator and this one is no exception, moving from the three main characters and back again. I love the different perspectives it gave, as well as the way the story was woven together, until the very last bit was revealed. I couldn’t help but fall in love with the family and the genuine caring you could feel throughout. The book was the type that was perfect as on the day I read it as I was feeling a bit down and it definitely ended up being a feel good story. But I can’t say it was just that as it felt like so much more to me.

I could see this book becoming a great movie that would appeal to many and also can’t wait to read more by this author as she writes exactly the types of books I love most.

Thank you to Penguin Random House for our review copy.  All opinions are our own.

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1 comment:

  1. هناك معايير وشروط يتم من خلالها اختيار المواد المستخدمة في تنفيذ العزل المائي، فاختيار تلك المواد يتم بدقة شديدة وخصوصا اذا كانت المنشأة تخص مياه الشرب مثل خزانات مياه الشرب العذبة التي يستخدمها العديد منا، وموقعها في الغالب فوق الأسطح.

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