Saturday, January 18, 2014

Would You Rather with Jackie Bouchard

Please welcome Jackie Bouchard, author of What the Dog Ate and Rescue Me, Maybe.

About Jackie:

Jackie Bouchard used to be trapped in the hamster wheel of corporate America, but she was lucky enough to escape and now fully understands the term "struggling writer." Jackie loves: reading, writing, and, yes, even 'rithmetic (seriously, algebra rocks); professional cycling; margaritas; blogging (she never thought she'd say that, but she does); dogs in general, and her crazy rescue pup specifically; and her hubby. (Not in that order.) Jackie dislikes: rude people and writing about herself in the third person. After living in Southern California, then Bermuda, then Canada, then the East coast, Jackie and her husband settled in San Diego. American Jackie, her Canadian hubby, and her Mexican rescue mutt form their own happy little United Nations. Jackie's novels include "What The Dog Ate" and "Rescue Me, Maybe."

Connect with Jackie:

Would You Rather... with Jackie Bouchard

Chips, chocolate or cheese? 

I LOVE both chocolate and cheese, but I'm going to go with... cheese. No, chocolate. No, final answer: cheese. The motto in our kitchen is "Don't be shy with the cheese."

Bridget Jones, Becky Bloomwood or Carrie Bradshaw? 

Gotta go with Bridget. She was my first chick-lit love. You never forget your first. 

Wine, beer or vodka? 

Vodka. (Or tequila.) I'm a pretty pink cocktails kinda gal. My hubs makes a mean pomegranate margarita! (Where is he?? He should be making me one right now!)

Camping or spa vacation?

Camping. I'm not a "get pampered" kinda girl. (You'd know that if you could see the sad state of my fingernails right now.)

Water or Mountains?

Water. I'm a born and bred beach girl. 

Zombies or Vampires?

Tough one... Vampires are sexy, but I like the comic-relief that a zombie offers. (Gotta love "Sean of the Dead.")

Dogs or Cats?

Dogs! Anyone who's seen my book covers, blog, web site, or dog-hair-covered yoga pants knows that answer!

Coke or Pepsi?

I actually don't like either. I'm not really a soda girl. If I had to have a soda, I'd have a root beer. 

Coffee or tea?

Coffee. But just one cup, every morning.

Dine out or take away?

Take away. I like to eat on the sofa in my comfy pants while watching a movie with the hubs.

High heels, sneakers or flip flops

Sneakers. Gotta walk the dog every morning! 

Physical book or ebook?

I love a physical book, but I'll go with ebook. I read WAY more ebooks than physical books these days. 

Paperback or Hardcover?

Paperback. I'm pretty hard on books - like to read them in the bathtub or on the beach. I don't feel as bad about beating up a paperback.

Pen or Pencil?

Pen. Although my handwriting is frightful, so I do most of my writing on the computer.

Mad Men, Downton Abbey or Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad! The first three episodes are the best -- and most stressful -- thing I've ever seen on TV.

Drama or Comedy?

Comedy! I'd much rather laugh!

Twilight or Hunger Games? 

Hunger Games. Katniss could kick Bella's skinny butt.

Lipstick, lipgloss or chapstick? 

Chapstick. Especially now. We are having a ridiculously hot and dry winter here in San Diego, so I've been slathering on the Burts Bees!

Facebook or Twitter

Facebook. I'm too wordy for Twitter.

Plot your entire novel or fly by the seat of your pants? 

Would love to be able to plot it, but I'm a pantster. Besides, I find it fun when your book/characters take twists and turns you didn't see coming! There were a few things in my current novel that I had no idea were going to happen!

Rescue Me, Maybe

If you lost both your husband and your dog to cancer within weeks of each other, but you were sadder about the dog, would you tell anyone? Maybe your closest friends. Unfortunately, Jane Bailey’s closest friends are on the other side of the country. That’s where Jane plans to go now that she’s free to leave Philadelphia, the too cold, beachless, street taco-deficient city her husband dragged her to six years ago. But with no job prospects in her hometown of San Diego, Jane is roped into helping out temporarily at her uncle’s southwestern small-town B&B. En route to her new role as innkeeper and breakfast chef, she finds a stray at a rest stop. With her heart in pieces from the loss of her dog, she’s determined not to let this mutt worm its way into her affections. She’s also determined to have next-to-no interaction with the B&B’s irritating guests, and the even more annoying handyman who lives next door. Can Jane keep her sanity—and her secret that she’s not really a grieving widow—while trying to achieve her dream of getting back to the place she thinks is home?

Available at:


  1. Thanks for having me, Lydia and Novel Escapes! Now I'm off to the beach in my sneakers to read a paperback and nibble on some chocolate. No, cheese!

  2. Jackie, are you sure we're not long-lost sisters? Except for that camping thing! Next time, we need to meet for root beer, or I will share the joy of being hopped up on afternoon coffee!

  3. I love an interview that doesn't ask the same mundane questions! These were great and I love Jackie's answers. A solid 5 stars!

  4. What a fun interview! No wonder Jeffie loves Rita so much - their mamas have so much in common :-)

    1. Glad to hear that Jeffie would probably love his mutt-her in law!
