Friday, February 5, 2010

Welcome to Temptation by Jennifer Cruisie

1.5 Star

Sophie and Amy Dempsey are two sisters hoping to boost their film making career by traveling to Temptation to make a documentary for their brother’s ex-girlfriend, Clea, an aging film star. When they all move in to Clea's old farmhouse various men show up, offering temptation, which the sisters don't balk at and soon the small town becomes unraveled as secrets surface, mystery ensues and the movie takes a twist.  Can the sisters hold it together long enough to get their movie made? Will the town stand for it and will they be led into temptation along the way? 

Lydia - 2 Star

Jennifer Crusie has large following with many published novels and I thought we’d give her a try after having read some great reviews but unfortunately I was disappointed with this book. Welcome to Temptation just didn’t meet my expectations given many of the reviews I read, but it could be that I just wasn’t as interested in this style of story.

I started to enjoy the book more towards the end, but felt getting there was hard work, which is not what I look for in a novel.  I wasn’t sure how I felt about the relationship that developed and how many characters I had to figure out and wasn’t sure they were even necessary to the story, although towards the end when a small town mystery develops I found out why they were hanging around. 

I couldn’t appreciate the main characters or relate to them on any level and found the plot to be slow in moving along.  There’s loads of sex in this novel which I have no idea is part of her appeal or if she does this in every novel, so if you’re looking for a embellished Harlequin type novel with some twists and turns and many characters this might fit the bill.

Overall, I was disappointed with Welcome to Temptation and sadly may shy away from Crusie’s novels in the future.

Kathryn - 1 Star

This single girl chick lit gave me some feelings.  The storyline could have been good but I’m not sure I liked it at all. The sisters seemed to be carrying a lot of secrets which develop throughout the novel and help to make up the action parts of the story.

There are quite a few people involved and some of them seemed unnecessary to the plot.  We spend a lot of time developing the relationship of one of the sisters with the mayor of Temptation which leaves much of the rest of the plot sort of hanging in limbo for the first 200 pages.  I really had no idea what was supposed to be happening until the middle of the book- it was a long read to get to the action and I found this incredibly annoying.  The action portion was good -but overly complicated in getting there.

Perhaps I didn’t relate to it because I found very few of the characters appealing or in-depth enough to keep me interested.  The actress, Clea, is a key person in the action plot but we know very little about her, she rarely has any speaking parts and she doesn’t seem to have much appeal.  I did like the mayor and his daughter and even liked quite a few of the townspeople…but not enough.

All in all though Welcome to Temptation didn’t make me think very happy thoughts!

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