4 Star
Penny Stevens is not living a life she loves, but it's far from terrible, so she figures why rock the boat. Then one day a good deed flings her into the spotlight and she becomes the focus of a life makeover. She reluctantly agrees and finds her life turned upside down as her home, garden and her body undergo dramatic transformations. With the help of an old friend, two gorgeous gardeners and a dog named Haggis, Penny's develops the courage and confidence to make some changes. But will they all last and will the makeover be a success?
Lydia - 4 Star
This was a delightful and heartwarming novel that had me laughing at loud. If you've ever been stuck in a rut you'll love this novel and if you're currently stuck and need some inspiration to help you move forward, this novel might just give you the kick in the butt you need. I loved the voice and felt it suited Penny's character and I couldn't wait to see what would happen next.
The first line in the 3rd chapter is now my favourite sentence from a chick lit book ever. If I had been eating or drinking anything it would have sailed clear across the room. I laughed that hard. It was so unexpected after bumbling along with Penny over the first few chapters that it both shocked me and made me laugh out loud. There were other moments too, like how she gets her revenge on her husband and her interlude with the gardener that made me giggle.
This was not the most unique storyline, but there were threads that kept it so and I loved watching her relationships develop and seeing her transformation. I loved all the characters. I wanted to hug Penny frequently as well as kick her to get her moving forward. I wanted to kick her husband in the groin for different reasons and I loved the gardeners and smiled often at their interventions.
I did find the end became a tad slow and I wasn't completely sure about the epilogue and how the story ended. It all seemed somewhat abrupt and unresolved to me. But other than that, It Can Happen to You was a joy to read and I would definitely pick up another Lynn Crymble novel.
**Thank you to the Toronto Public Library for our copy. All opinions are our own.
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I read this one awhile ago and really enjoyed it. I'm glad you did too!