Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Sarah Pinneo Stuck on a Desert Island

We wanted to know how Sarah Pinneo, author of Julia's Child would fare on a desert island? Let's have a look:

1. If you could only have one book with you, what would it be?

Since you’re letting me choose the book ahead of time, it seems foolish to choose anything other than, say, Desert Island Survival for Dummies. I’m a very practical girl.

2. What one luxury item would you want to be stranded with?

A nice cold bottle of Prosecco seems like a good choice. Glasses are optional.

3. What is the one practical item you would want to have with you to use?

A ballpoint pen. I believe I could write my journal on some banana leaves, or something, but it’s a dark day indeed when you can’t find a pen.

4. Would you enjoy the solitude, even briefly, or would it drive you crazy?

I should probably plead the fifth on this question. At the risk of offending my children, I would love the solitude. I’ll bet nobody yells “Mommy! My lego bridge broke again!” on a desert island.

5. If you could be stranded with one other person, who would you want it to be?

My husband of course. Not only is he excellent company, but he would be great on a desert island. In fact, with him along, I could change my book selection to The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton. I could read about poor Lily’s downfall while he built us a yacht out of twigs.

6. What modern technology would you miss the most?

Two words: hot shower

7. What food or beverage would you miss the most?

There’s really no rustic substitute for a properly made caffĂ© latte.

8. How many days do you think you would cope without rescue?

Good question! More than two, and less than a season of Survivor. A month? Am I an enormous wimp?

9. What is the first thing you would do when rescued?

Call my children and apologize for enjoying the solitude.

10. What would be your first Tweet or Facebook update upon your return?

“The report of my death was greatly exaggerated.”—Mark Twain.

Follow Sarah Pinneo:

Read our review of Julia's child here:
Julia's Child by Sarah Pinneo


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Deadline: March 4th 2012, 11:59pm

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  1. Great ! mill1(at)sympatico(dot)ca

  2. I follow the blog.
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    And...I really want to read this book!!

  3. Would love to enter!

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