3 Star
Have you ever had your heart broken? How did you get over it?
If a pint of ice cream cheered you up and you were able to delete his number and start again then . . . You’re a weirdo and this book is not for you.
But if you reacted with denial, begging, or a spot of casual witchcraft, then you’ve come to the right place. This is one woman’s journey from love to lunacy and back again. If you ever recall past heartbreaks with acute embarrassment and an urge to go into hiding, this will make you feel better. Sure, you may have sent his new girlfriend a bunch of dead roses, but did you spend a grand on psychic hot-lines and a voodoo curse?
Have you ever had your heart broken? How did you get over it?
If a pint of ice cream cheered you up and you were able to delete his number and start again then . . . You’re a weirdo and this book is not for you.
But if you reacted with denial, begging, or a spot of casual witchcraft, then you’ve come to the right place. This is one woman’s journey from love to lunacy and back again. If you ever recall past heartbreaks with acute embarrassment and an urge to go into hiding, this will make you feel better. Sure, you may have sent his new girlfriend a bunch of dead roses, but did you spend a grand on psychic hot-lines and a voodoo curse?
Kathryn - 3 Star
At first I thought Getting Over Mr. Right was going to be a bit of the same old chick lit story- being dumped, being devastated and getting through the heartache with some wine and good friends- and although the plot doesn’t deviate much from the norm I found something interesting in Ashley (the one dumped).
Ashley is a little (no- never mind- a lot) obsessed with the man she’s been left by and from the outside reader’s perspective of course you just want her to see how useless and unpleasant a human being he has been. It’s frustrating to have your main character lose herself entirely in her loss and destroy the rest of her life in the process and Ashley takes this to the extreme. I think I got a bit depressed when she started buying “how to get your man back” tools on the internet at vast cost and borrowing money from family for voodoo tricks. On the other hand her extraordinary lengths did make for some really funny moments.
Somewhere along the line (I think it was when Ashley ends up at a heart break support group) I found I liked her- despite thinking she was nuts. She also took a turn for the better for me when we were introduced to her parents and younger brother- they really added something to Ashley’s depth of character and the brother in particular was linked in realistically by Manby. I loved that their relationship solidifies as adults by the end of the novel too.
Ashley’s best friend Becky was also believable and not just there for endless support- she had opinions and a life of her own- perhaps that’s what makes this tale different- the friend is there and supportive but it’s her family that really helps push (literally in her brother’s case) back to reality.
I liked Getting Over Mr. Right and it delivered what I expected although I’m still unsure about the romantic possibility we’re left with for Ashley at the end?
Thank you to Random House for our review copy! All opinions are our own.
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