5 Star
For seven-year-old Raami, the shattering end of childhood begins with
the footsteps of her father returning home in the early dawn hours,
bringing details of the civil war that has overwhelmed the streets of
Phnom Penh, Cambodia’s capital. Soon the family’s world of carefully
guarded royal privilege is swept up in the chaos of revolution and
forced exodus. Over the next four years, as the Khmer Rouge attempts to
strip the population of every shred of individual identity, Raami clings
to the only remaining vestige of her childhood— the mythical legends
and poems told to her by her father. In a climate of systematic violence
where memory is sickness and justification for execution, Raami fights
for her improbable survival.
Sabrina-Kate - 5 Star
I was first drawn to In The Shadow of the Banyan due to it's colourful yet simple
cover. It's exactly the type of art that I love and yes, I often am
drawn to books by the cover even though I know it's not always a great
way to select something to read.
But In the Shadow of the Banyan did not disappoint. It was a difficult
book to read at times due to the subject matter and especially since it
seems like a lot of books with difficult topics have come out these
past months. The author definitely was able to portray this story with
heartbreaking grace. It was definitely a book that will stick in your
heart and mind after you've read it and judging by others' opinions,
this is a common reaction to this family's tale.
It's astounding to me the strength that this author
must have as a person in order for her to have been able to write a
story based on her personal and very difficult, even horrific
experiences. And as a first time author too! Her prose and descriptions
are absolutely fantastic - it almost feels like you are right there, of
course without having to experience the awfulness firsthand. I think
it's a credit to her courage that she was able to tell this story and
also be so incredibly descriptive that this story really came to life.
Thank you to Simon and Schuster for our review copy! All opinions are our own.
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