Here's a bit about Heather:

I have always made up stories in my head, but never considered becoming a writer. Instead, I intended to be a high school music teacher. I was sidetracked by my enjoyment of my psychology courses in university, and ended up with a psychology degree with a concentration in computer science.
This took me to a major Canadian bank as a software developer. I stayed there for just over four years, and then went back to school to become an elementary school teacher. After four years teaching elementary school computer science, I took up the National Novel Writing Month challenge and attempted to write a novel in a month.
I succeeded, and the first draft of "Life, Love, and a Polar Bear Tattoo" was the result. I realized I love writing. I left teaching, and I haven't looked back since!
In my non-writing time, I read, run, swim, crochet, take care of my 55 gallon aquarium and my cat Trinity, and play drums and clarinet. Generally not all at once.
Would you Rather... with Heather Wardell
Chips, chocolate or cheese?
Dark chocolate, the darker the better!
Bridget Jones, Becky Bloomwood or Carrie Bradshaw?
Bridget Jones, no question - such a wonderful funny and touching book, her diary!
Camping or spa vacation?
Water or mountains?
Water with a view of mountains. :)
Coffee or Tea?
A whole-milk latte - nothing but espresso and milk and deliciousness!
Dogs or cats?
I grew up with golden retrievers (my parents have been breeding them since before I was born - but now I'm a cat person.
Dine out or take away?
Depends on my mood - dine out when I want to see people, take away when I want to cocoon at home
High heels, sneakers and flip flops?
I wear skirts every day, so heels for sure. (I don't own a single pair of jeans!)
Physical Book or ebook?
Ebook 99% of the time, physical book for if I plan to make tons of notes
Paperback or hardcover?
Paperback all the way - easier to carry around!
Drama or comedy?
Comedy for sure - there's too much drama in the world without watching it in movies too!
Lipstick, lipgloss or chapstick?
Lipstick, the other stuff just feels too sticky!
Facebook or Twitter?
Twitter and I have agreed we aren't meant for each other.
Plot your entire novel or fly by the seat of your pants?
Plot the big details ("Kate wakes up naked in bed with a stranger") but have fun making up the little ones ("What does the stranger look like?") as I write
Waking up with a strange man is scary. Realizing you lost fifteen years of your life overnight? That's terrifying.
With her memories from seventeen to thirty-two gone, Kate has no idea who she is and where she belongs. As she begins to fall for the man who found her, she wonders if she forgot those years for a reason.
Should she keep trying to retrieve her original self, or start a new life?
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