4 Star
If you lost both your husband and your dog to cancer within weeks of each other, but you were sadder about the dog, would you tell anyone? Maybe your closest friends. Unfortunately, Jane Bailey’s closest friends are on the other side of the country. That’s where Jane plans to go now that she’s free to leave Philadelphia, the too cold, beachless, street taco-deficient city her husband dragged her to six years ago. But with no job prospects in her hometown of San Diego, Jane is roped into helping out temporarily at her uncle’s southwestern small-town B&B. En route to her new role as innkeeper and breakfast chef, she finds a stray at a rest stop. With her heart in pieces from the loss of her dog, she’s determined not to let this mutt worm its way into her affections. She’s also determined to have next-to-no interaction with the B&B’s irritating guests, and the even more annoying handyman who lives next door. Can Jane keep her sanity—and her secret that she’s not really a grieving widow—while trying to achieve her dream of getting back to the place she thinks is home?
Sabrina-Kate - 4 Star
Rescue Me, Maybe was a refreshing and cute tale of a woman with a life in transition. It showed how we can hurt those we love yet they don't give up on us. It showed that people can surprise us with their goodness. It showed that life goes on despite losing the ones we love. It also showed that dogs can be good friends through it all.
I liked how this book was realistic and touched on sensitive topics like falling out of love with someone, the issues we can have with our family members and in laws and also cancer. I was surprised and pleased at how sensitively these topics were addressed and how realistic the situations were written to be.
Jane was definitely going through tough times and was trying to figure out where she wanted to be. All she really knew was that she was unhappy and deeply so. I liked the fact that she took the lessons life threw at her and learnt from them. Everything was taken in stride minus a few little hiccups along the way but then again who doesn't try to fight against life sometimes?
I was expecting this book to be solely about the relationship between Jane and Maybe, the dog she unexpectedly rescued. But I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was just one element in the story, one that was deftly woven throughout the entire story in a very realistic and enjoyable way. Maybe became a strong point in the story and an underlying source of strength to Jane herself.
I also liked how Rescue Me, Maybe ended. I was expecting some of it to happen and some things I expected to happen didn't which was great because then it was not too predictable and happy ending-ish which kind of concerned me.
I am very happy to have discovered this author, as she is new to me, and I will definitely be keeping my eye on her in the future as Bouchard writes from the heart and there is nothing I love better.
Thank you to Jackie Bouchard for our review copy. All opinions are our own.
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Thanks so much for the lovely review! So glad you enjoyed the book! This made my day! :)