Please welcome Lindsey Kelk, author of the I Heart series, About a Girl, and The Single Girl's To-Do List.

Lindsey Kelk is a British writer and used to be a children’s book editor. When she isn’t writing, reading, listening to music or watching more TV than is healthy, Lindsey likes to wear shoes, shop for shoes and judge the shoes of others. She loves living in New York but misses Sherbert Fountains, London and drinking Gin & Elderflower cocktails with her friends. Not necessarily in that order.
Would you Rather... with Lindsey Kelk
Chips, chocolate or cheese?
Can I have chocolate and cheese? Since it’s Christmas?
Bridget Jones, Becky Bloomwood or Carrie Bradshaw?
Argh, so tough… When I’m trotting through New York in my fancy shoes, I feel like such a Carrie but as soon as the door is closed and I’m stuffing my face in front of the telly, I’m all Bridget. Bridget Bradshaw?
Wine, beer or vodka?
Oh, vodka, for sure. Hic.
Camping or spa vacation?
HA! Spa please.
Water or Mountains?
Water, definitely. Not that mountains are beautiful but I love to be near water..
Zombies or Vampires?
I know vampires just have better PR but I live in New York and when the zombies come, I am screwed. Plus, I have a zombie apocalypse dream about once a week that I do not care for so I’m definitely going to have to go vampire.
Dogs or Cats?
I love both but I’m a cat person at heart. We understand each other.
Coke or Pepsi?
I drink so much Diet Pepsi, it’s amazing I can still see.
Coffee or tea?
Tea. I don’t like coffee at all. I’ve tried, I’ve tried so many times because let’s be honest, it’s just sexier but I cannot abide it. I’m such a nana.
Dine out or take away?
I love to eat out but there is an awful lot of TV that needs watching so sometimes you have to take away. And I love to cook! But I hate to wash up. So it’s an issue.
High heels, sneakers or flip flops
High heels, definitely. Unless you’re at the beach or the pool, in which case, don’t be a cock, put some flipflops on.
Physical book or ebook?
I love my Kindle when I travel but nothing is the same as a physical book.
Paperback or Hardcover?
A hardcover book is an object of desire, it’s a luxury. It says hours spent lazing around, reading in bed and wasting a day. I want it because it is beautiful but it’s just not practical, is it? Like most beautiful things...
Pen or Pencil?
I have a stationery fetish so this is a problem. Mostly pens though. I’ve always got a few in my bag.
Mad Men, Downton Abbey or Breaking Bad
SO HARD. I guess Mad Men because it’s still going. I loved Breaking Bad though. And, um, don’t tell anyone but I’ve only seen season one of Downton Abbey.
Drama or Comedy?
Hmm… I’m a complicated gal. As much as I love Mad Men and Breaking Bad, I always watch a lot of American Dad and Family Guy. I couldn’t have one without the other, I’m a Libra, I need balance.
Twilight or Hunger Games?
Twilight movies and Hunger Games book?
Lipstick, lipgloss or chapstick?
Now you’re testing me… I have a glossy balm from Dior that gives me a really lovely colour so, technically, it’s a lip balm but it kind of does the job of all three. Amazing.
Facebook or Twitter
I’m a Twitter addict but I use FB to stay in touch with my friends and family in the UK. They can’t bear my waffling on Twitter!
Plot your entire novel or fly by the seat of your pants?
Fly baby, fly.
I Heart Christmas
Angela’s planning her very own fairytale of New York…
• Enormous Christmas tree
• Eggnog
• Eccentric British traditions
• Gorgeous man
But Santa’s throwing her a few curveballs – new job (as if it’s not mental enough already), new baby-craze from her best friend Jenny, and Alex determined they should grow up and settle down. Once friends start turning up uninvited on her doorstep (and leading her astray), can Angela really have a merry little Christmas? So much for happy holidays – something’s got to give…
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