Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Lucy Dillon - Stranded on a Desert Island

Please welcome Lucy Dillon, author of A Hundred Pieces of Me, as she tackles our Desert Island Interview!

About Lucy:

Lucy Dillon lives in Herefordshire, England with her pair of basset hounds, Bonham and Violet.  Visit her online at

Connect with Lucy:

Wendy Lucy Dillon Stranded on a Desert Island

If you could only have one book with you, what would it be? 

It’d have to be the complete works of Shakespeare: there’s everything in there, from comedy to drama to exquisite poetry to history to the sort of romantic heroes who’d make the long nights go much faster. (Also a lot of unfunny clowns, just to reassure a despairing writer that even geniuses have off days.)

What one luxury item would you want to be stranded with?

A never-ending supply of red lipstick.

What is the one practical item you would want to have with you to use?

Is an iPhone too boring? There’s surely an app for ‘Desert Island Survival’ and I could order endless amounts of books to be air-dropped to me. Otherwise, I’d like a fully equipped hotel bed, complete with luxury mattress topper, (self-laundering) Egyptian thread count linen, many pillows, and a featherlight duvet. A girl needs a good night’s sleep. If that’s too much, just some Factor 50+ suncream, please. I’m a Celt.  I don’t do sun.

Would you enjoy the solitude, even briefly, or would it drive you crazy?

I think I’d enjoy it – I spent a lot of time on my own writing and I find the voices in my head aren’t bad company. And if there was no wifi on the island, I’d probably get quite a lot done!

If you could be stranded with one other person, who would you want it to be?

I can’t choose between my dogs, Violet (imperious, warm at night, would require me to go out and find food) and Bonham (would bark at invaders, more loyal, easier to teach to fish). What, you mean a human person? Um… Jon Hamm. Chasing him round the island would be excellent exercise for us both.

What modern technology would you miss the most?

Boring answer: my laptop – I’m umbilically attached to it most of the day, containing as it does my job, my email lifeline to civilisation, all the recipes in the world for using up over-ripe bananas, my photo library, my fount of time-wasting ‘So, how long would it take for my character to get to Aberystwyth by train? Let me see…’ research and, of course, Twitter.

    Heartfelt answer: my espresso machine.

What food or beverage would you miss the most?

I refuse to be marooned on a desert island with no coffee beans.

How many days do you think you would cope without rescue? 

How long you got? I was marooned in my house in Herefordshire one year when the whole county flooded, and the track between my house and the village was under several feet of water. I got so cosy that by the time I ventured down into the village it turned out the waters had receded four days previously and everything had gone back to normal. We like a weather-related crisis in the UK – they come along so rarely we don’t get chance to enjoy the drama.

What is the first thing you would do when rescued?

I would check to see if Waitrose had gone bust without me spending my entire salary in there while I’d been away.

What would be your first Tweet or Facebook update upon your return?


A Hundred Pieces of Me

Emotionally unwell from her recent divorce, Gina Bellamy needs a fresh start.  In order to do this, she decides to get rid of all of her possessions, except for the one hundred things that mean the absolute most to her.

As Gina lets go of the past, she starts to come to terms with everything that has happened in her life and discovers that moving forward is the only option.  And when she makes that choice, that’s when the magic happens.

Available at:
Amazon Barnes & Noble Kindle Kobo Nook

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