Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Stranded on a desert island with Melissa Pimentel

Please welcome Melissa Pimentel, author of The One That Got Away as she tackles our Desert Island Interview!

About Melissa:

MELISSA PIMENTEL grew up in a small town in Massachusetts in a house without cable and therefore much of her childhood was spent watching 1970s British comedy on public television. These days, she spends much of her time reading in the various pubs of Stoke Newington and engaging in a long-standing emotional feud with their disgruntled cat, Welles. She works in publishing.

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Melissa Pimentel Stranded on a Desert Island

If you could only have one book with you, what would it be?

Gone with the Wind.  I read it the first time when I was eleven and completely fell in love with it, and then spent my teenage years rereading it whenever I could. My mom and I still debate about whether or not she gets him back. (I think she does. Come on, it’s Scarlett O’Hara!)

What one luxury item would you want to be stranded with?

I’m not much of a luxury item person (I like to say I’m thrifty. My husband thinks I’m cheap.) but I think Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour cream would come in handy on an desert island, and it’s definitely more expensive than my usual own-brand stuff.

What is the one practical item you would want to have with you to use?

Duct tape. Seriously, is there anything duct tape can’t do?

Would you enjoy the solitude, even briefly, or would it drive you crazy?

I would both enjoy it and be driven crazy by it. I like my own company but I definitely start to turn a little weird if I’m left to my own devices for too long. I would 100% be talking to myself non-stop.

If you could be stranded with one other person, who would you want it to be?

My husband, Simon.

What modern technology would you miss the most?

Water pressure. I love a good power shower.

What food or beverage would you miss the most?

Cheese. Unless there’s a cow on this island…?

How many days do you think you would cope without rescue?

I feel like I could do a month. After that, they’d have to come with a butterfly net.

What is the first thing you would do when rescued?

Facetime with my nieces.

What would be your first Tweet or Facebook update upon your return?

I am the world’s worst social media person (I think I’m allergic) so I probably wouldn’t say anything at all! I do love a good stalk, though, so I’d probably do a little bit of that to see what everyone had been up to.

The One That Got Away

A modern retelling of Jane Austen's Persuasion, where a young woman comes face-to-face with a lost love, proving that the one that got away is sometimes the one you get back. Ruby and Ethan were perfect for each other. Until the day they suddenly weren’t.

Ten years later, Ruby’s single, having spent the last decade focusing on her demanding career and hectic life in Manhattan. There’s barely time for a trip to England for her little sister’s wedding. And there’s certainly not time to think about seeing Ethan there for the first time in years.

But as the family frantically prepare for the big day, Ruby can’t help but wonder if she made the right choice all those years ago. Because there’s nothing like a wedding for stirring up the past…

Available at:
Amazon Barnes & Noble Kindle Nook Kobo

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